

The Optimizer, an easy to customizable multi-purpose theme with lots of powerful features.

Vhee’z Storiez
One third of my life in UNS

One third of my life in UNS

Sepertinya Tuhan telah menjodohkanku dengan kampus penuh kenangan ini..Betapa tidak, sepertiga kisah hidupku ada di kampus ini..It’s a touch of...



Lagu jadul emang everlasting..gak ada matinya..bagi yang suka nonton film especially film musikal pasti udah nonton Mamma Mia dong yah?

Kerren Niyh…

Kerren Niyh…

Ada motor baru nih di rumah..basically aku suka banget sama hal-hal yang berbau maskulin..and this is one of my favorites.....

Mantan kekasihku..

Mantan kekasihku..

I couldn’t stop smiling whenever i remember this. This morning, I was in charge to be an exam watch. There...

I Love You by Sofie

I Love You by Sofie

Suasana hati lagi mellow..sentimental and fragile..bongkar-bongkar lagu lawas, mengenang masa-masa indah dulu (ciee..), ketemu ma mba Sofie yang lagunya bener-bener...

Thank You Seven

Thank You Seven

Selamat pagi smuwaaaa…pagi ni cerah sekali..semalem aku mimpi indah :> biar komplit, mari kita senam muka bareng-bareng..baca cerita si Mardi...



In a bright night, we had dinner with Pak Jorg and Bu Elvira. The menu was Italian Spaghetti Bolognese. Mas...

Health Chart

Health Chart

7 don’ts after a meal *    Don’t smoke-Experiment from experts proves that smoking a cigarette after meal is comparable...

YOU: My Hopes..My Wishes..My Dreams come true…

YOU: My Hopes..My Wishes..My Dreams come true…

All I ever wanted was to be part of your heart, And for us to be together, to never be...

Remember this whenever you’re SAD..

Remember this whenever you’re SAD..

Bila Tuhan cepat mengabulkan doamu, maka DIA Menyayangimu, Bila DIA lambat mengabulkan doamu, maka DIA ingin Mengujimu, Bila DIA Tidak...